Submission Guidelines
Please carefully read below for specific guidelines, including what we‘re currently looking for. The submissions are so easy a brainless zombie could do it (between meals).
What we need in the email
The subject line: SURNAME—TITLE—SUBMISSION TYPE (e.g., novel, novella)—WORD COUNT
In the body of your email: please let us know if this is an original submission or a resubmission. If you are resubmitting an updated manuscript, please indicate the revised sections to help us assess your manuscript
What we need attached
A synopsis approx. 300 words, detailing the key themes, plot, characters, and twists
Your brief author bio, including any previous publications
The first 30 pages of your manuscript
Submission email:
Manuscripts should be presented in TNR, size 12, justified, 1.5 line spacing, as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or.docx. Any other file type won’t be read). Please, for the love of all that is unholy, do not use tabs for new paragraphs. Any variant of English will be accepted.
What we want
We are a horror press. Any horror sub-genre is welcome, but the manuscript must have clear elements of horror.
Preferred length: approx. 30K—100K. Manuscripts outside this are more than welcome, but we are more likely to consider manuscripts in the suggested length
Preferred horror sub-genres: slashers, psychological, creature feature/monster (vampires, werewolves, demons etc.), YA, extreme, body, supernatural, cosmic, horrormance, gothic, grief. We don’t shy away from gore
Forms: novels, novellas
What we don’t want
Short story collections
*Many, many publishers are producing fantasy and as such, we do not wish to consider this genre.
Read carefully before submitting
Slashic Horror Press is a LGBTQI+ publisher. We are interested in spotlighting LGBTQI+ authors and stories, hence any manuscript prioritizing LGBTQI+ themes/characters are desirable.
Ensure your manuscript is edited to the best of your ability before submitting. While Slashic Horror has in-house editors, we are more likely to want to publish a manuscript that doesn’t need extensive rewrites/edits. You won’t need to pay for these services if we accept your manuscript.
We’re a small press, so please only one submission per author at a time. This just means to wait to hear from us on your current submission before making another one. If you are aiming to submit a series, please include a note in your submission email. We don’t believe in exclusive submissions, so simultaneous submissions are perfectly fine, just include a note in your email, and also come back to us to let us congratulate you if the submission is accepted elsewhere.
Please don’t submit previously published works, including self-published titles, unless the work has undergone significant rewriting and you’re pitching a re-release. It can also be tempting to submit work that is unfinished…please avoid this. It’s not cool, and just wastes everyone’s time.
If we’ve previously had to reject your manuscript, please don’t let this stop you from resubmitting. Once your work has undergone significant edits and rewrites, we may be in a position to consider your manuscript for publication.
Note: AI-generated writing will not be tolerated. If an authors work is discovered to be generated by AI, the work will be automatically rejected (or unpublished, if we didn’t discover it in time!).
Response time
You should receive an acknowledgment of submission within 48 hours. We endeavor to assess every manuscript within six weeks of receipt. If we request the full manuscript, this can take an additional six weeks. Please allow an extra day or two on these timelines, and please don’t panic in the meantime. Anxiety is a bitch, but we got you.
Slashic Horror Press is committed to providing feedback on rejected manuscripts. Many first-time and experienced authors aren’t necessarily clear on why a manuscript is rejected. We want to change this by providing authors with a brief assessment outlining specific factors that led to our decision. Rejections may be accompanied by an invite to resubmit if/when those factors are addressed.
Some things we will reject automatically: bestiality, pedophilia, incest, and hate crimes/extremist views without meaningful context for the story.
Rights and payment
Slashic Horror Press ask for a 3-year exclusivity contract with Worldwide English rights for eBook, paperback, and hardcover. This means you cannot publish the work elsewhere within that period. After this period ends, the rights will revert back to the author and they are free to publish that title elsewhere. If authors wish for the title to be removed after the exclusivity period is over, we are happy to do so. Otherwise, the title will remain with us and we will continue promoting/advertising for the author. Authors will receive the agreed upon royalty rate even after the exclusivity period ends. Having wide distribution through global markets, all of our titles are print-on-demand and as such, will remain available.
At this stage, we cannot provide advance payments, however we will provide all authors with five (5) author copies. Authors will receive 40% royalties for both eBook and paperback. If a hardcover book is produced, authors will receive 35% royalties due to the higher cost of production.